Showing: 4 RESULTS
recipe and food blogger

Recipe and food blogger Archana’s Kitchen by Archana Doshi

Every day, I hope and try to provide people with the skills they need to cook quickly and easily, allowing them to live a healthier lifestyle. I am a firm believer that health begins at the dinner table. Archana’s Kitchen was launched in November 2007, and it is now a leading recipe and food blogger website that provides the globe with trustworthy and confident ‘DIY’ solutions for everyday cooking. The website enables consumers to effortlessly make food in the kitchen.

Interior design blog Trumatter

Interior design blog Trumatter by Rukmini Ray Kadam. One of the most popular decor blogs in India.

Interior design blog Trumatter was founded in 2009, and it has since grown to become one of India’s most popular Interior blogs, with thousands of visitors every day.
Trumatter is swiftly becoming India’s most-read decor blog, and it’s been a privilege to see it develop one blog at a time. After thirteen outstanding prizes and countless magazine features, I still feel like I’m just getting started!

Mens lifestyle blog

Mens lifestyle blog – Primer Magazine

Primer Magazine is not a typical mens lifestyle blog. It is the secret manual to affordable style, self-development, how-tos, and apartment DIY for the self-made man.  When Andrew began, he was recently out of college, trying to get his feet on the ground, But felt like there wasn’t anyone talking specifically to him. And surprisingly, …